Product Detail

Apricot Carrier Oil

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Apricot Carrier Oil

Apricot Kernel Oil is a rich, nourishing carrier oil – the professional choice for hand and facial massages. 

The Apricot Kernel Oil, also known as Khubani Oil, is renowned for its light, non-sticky nature and has held a revered position in Indian households as an exceptional skincare ingredient for generations. This remarkable oil boasts a wide array of benefits when applied to the skin and hair, including emollient, healing, antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties. The oil exudes a delightful fragrance reminiscent of freshly ripened apricots.

Exploring Ayurvedic Uses and Benefits of Apricot Oil for Skin and Hair

In the realm of Ayurveda, Apricot Oil's Vata-balancing properties make it a nourishing elixir. These properties also render it a potent ingredient for defying the signs of aging, effectively combating fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, it possesses 'Ropan' properties, making it an excellent choice for soothing irritable or sensitive skin.

Hair fall, often attributed to an imbalance of the Vata dosha, finds relief in Apricot Oil's Vata-balancing qualities. The 'Snigdha' or oily attribute of Apricot Kernel Oil addresses excessive scalp dryness, thereby stimulating hair growth and fortifying strands to maintain lustrous, healthy hair while preventing hair fall. Acting as a carrier oil, it efficiently transports blended herbs deep into the scalp, naturally nourishing and detangling hair without leaving a greasy residue

Category: Carrier oil


-8.15% 248.00

MRP: ₹270.00

Availability: In stock

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What Is Apricot Carrier Oil?

Apricot Carrier Oil, derived from the kernels of apricots (Prunus armeniaca), is a versatile and luxurious oil known for its remarkable properties. Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, this oil has been cherished for centuries for its incredible skincare and therapeutic benefits.

A Nutrient-Rich ElixirL:

Apricot Carrier Oil is a nutritional powerhouse, boasting a high content of vitamins A, C, and E. These vitamins play a pivotal role in promoting healthy skin by neutralizing free radicals, aiding in collagen production, and maintaining skin elasticity. Additionally, this oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, particularly oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are crucial for skin health.

Skin Soothing and Moisturizing Properties:

One of the standout features of Apricot Carrier Oil is its ability to moisturize and hydrate the skin. The oil's lightweight texture allows it to be easily absorbed by the skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and revitalized. Whether you have dry, sensitive, or mature skin, Apricot Carrier Oil can be your go-to solution for maintaining a healthy moisture balance.

The Anti-Aging Secret:

Apricot Carrier Oil's rich composition of vitamins and antioxidants makes it a potent anti-aging elixir. Regular application of this oil can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promote a youthful complexion, and enhance skin's overall radiance.

A Natural Skin Brightener:

Say goodbye to dull and uneven skin tone! Apricot Carrier Oil contains natural brightening properties that can help fade dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and blemishes. With consistent use, you can achieve a more luminous and even complexion.

Acne-Fighting Benefits:

If you struggle with acne-prone skin, Apricot Carrier Oil can be a game-changer. Its non-comedogenic nature means it won't clog pores, and its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe irritated skin. It's a gentle yet effective solution for keeping acne at bay.

Skincare Benefits

Apricot oil is a lightweight and non-greasy moisturizer that absorbs easily into the skin. Its high fatty acid content helps keep the skin hydrated and supple without clogging pores.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The oil's anti-inflammatory properties make it effective for soothing skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It calms irritation and reduces redness, providing relief to those with sensitive skin.

Acne Management
Contrary to common belief, using apricot oil on acne-prone skin can be beneficial. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can help control breakouts and minimize acne scars.

Sun Protection
Vitamin E in apricot oil acts as a natural sunscreen, protecting the skin from UV damage. While it should not replace conventional sunscreen, it can be used to enhance sun protection.

Haircare Benefits
Hair Conditioning
Apricot oil serves as an excellent natural conditioner, leaving hair soft, shiny, and manageable. It can be applied as a leave-in treatment or added to hair masks and conditioners.

Scalp Health
Massaging apricot oil onto the scalp helps improve blood circulation and nourishes hair follicles. This can lead to stronger, healthier hair growth and reduce issues like dandruff.

Split End Prevention
Regular use of apricot oil on hair ends can prevent split ends and breakage. It forms a protective barrier that seals in moisture and shields hair from environmental damage.

Product Specifications

  •  Botanical Name:
Prunus armeniaca
  •  Method of Extraction:
Cold Pressed
  •  Aroma:
Faint, Mild.
  • Blends With Well:
lavender, jasmine, chamomile, lilac, ylang-ylang and Rose



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